Hope at Richmond Anglican



It would be true to say that we can’t live without hope. Life is often difficult, and without a positive end in sight, we may ask ourselves: ‘what’s the point’.

The people at Richmond Anglican have a hope that is absolutely certain. It is the hope of being with God in heaven forever. A hope that is so spectacular and so comforting. Heaven is described as a place where there is no crying
or pain or mourning, and no death! It will be a place of partying and feasting, being in the presence of a loving God and his son Jesus Christ.

However, hope in this world is often uncertain. We hope our favourite sports team will win or that we will get that job we applied for. Yet, this is more like a wish than a certain hope. God, in his Bible, tells us that someone who trusts in the Lord Jesus has a hope that is 100% certain. And our future is certain because of what God has done in the past. Jesus died 2000 years ago to allow us to be forgiven by God and was raised to life, conquering death.

At Richmond Anglican, our certain hope means we live now as a family who followed the Lord Jesus. We are a family for the young, the not so young, men, women, children, singles and families. And we have many different groups and activities to allow us to grow in our knowledge of God and have fun together.

We are a people of Hope in Jesus Christ.

Your pastor Wayne Tildsley