Our world needs Good News

It has been a week of bad news (several weeks even!). And bad news that feels significant. War in Ukraine, floods on our doorstep and even the shock of the sudden and unexpected death of Shane Warne have all added to a growing sense of uncertainty and insecurity of life in our world—unlike anything many of us have experienced. We are increasingly aware of the need for peace and of the fragility of life that we so easily take for granted.

It’s in this moment that we should be all the more aware of how good the “good news” of Jesus really is—and how much we desperately need it. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, who will one day shatter ever weapon of war; he is the Solid Rock, and no one who stands on him can be washed away by any storm; he has defeated death and offers eternal life through the forgiveness of sins for all who come to him. That is good news that we and our world desperately need to hear.

Do you know this good news for yourself? Do you know someone else who needs to hear it too?

Rick Hall
Senior Pastor